Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What Am I Doin?

As much as I love making lists, I can't be arsed to do so at this very second.

You see, my daddy just called sayin that I can't go to Malaysia just yet. All because he thinks it's safer to stay in relatives' house. I mean, seriously. How many times have they stick me in other people's houses. It's like sticking a menthol cigarette in a Marlboro pack, only to find out later that the rest of your marlboro sticks are minty. Uncool.

Also I'm surprised that my camwhoring skills can actually come to a use.

I have to defeat my anger issues when it comes to my shoes fucking up on my way home. Uncool. i know shoes can be fixed, but there's nothing more embarrassing than having my shoes all open in public. I mean, come on. I embarrass myself for fuck's sake, but when it comes to shoes. I'm no big fan, but I can be really angry.

sad x