Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Manly SidE

This is the greatest thing about Indo. The kids' toilet which is always empty, thus gives disturbed teens like us to take pride in posing in it. It makes me look cool, or a lil dyke-ish.

Still though, which Straight guy wears blue bangles?

Other great things : Cheap stuff. Pretty malls. Adventures, even just going to the nearest grocery store. Many, many varieties of food.

Imagine getting pregnant when you're not ready. Scary shit.
1. Telling your parents.
2. Being disrespected by your baby's father, coz even though he loves you, he'll still leave you eventually because he thinks his non-virgin ass deserves a good girl. A bastard stays a bastard.
3. Being disrespected by everybody, unless they're open-minded, helpful people.
4. Being a mother

Gosh. x