Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Why do Indonesians get angry when Malaysians call them Indons?

A couple of days ago, I went to Dufan with my family and my cousin. I realized something about Indonesia. My people are ALWAYS late compared to the rest of the world. The thing that pisses me off is the fact that they don't know that they're way behind the rest of the world.


1. Facebook. I swear to you, back in 2006, I registered for facebook. This was in the UAE. Everyone had facebook, except for those who didn't wanna open accounts. Then, in the summer, I came back to Indonesia and NOONE heard about facebook. I was like, "are you fo real?" Well, I let it slide, coz I still had my friendster account when I wanted to keep in touch with my Indo friends. After awhile, one of my good friends opened a facebook account, so I thought, my other friends would be opening up their own soon enough. I was right, so I deleted my friendster account. Anyway, this ain't the point. Not long after that, EVERYONE in Indo started to get facebook." Good. LATE, but good", I thought.

In Dufan, my cousin and I were on the way out. We passed by people taking pictures and stuff. Understandable. We even saw a guy who took his own picture using self-timer. Sad. Real sad. The saddest crap was, EVERY SINGLE CROWD we passed by would be talking about facebook. GET OVER IT. "YES! I want this picture on facebook. tag me alright?!" We kept on hearing the same shit over and over again. What can we do. Our people are not only slow in catching up with the world, we tend to get stuck in one trend.


2. Hip Hop
3. Eyeliner
4. Abaya

Also, what is this bullshit fight between Indonesians and Malaysians? I'm an Indonesian studying in Malaysia and I've got no problem with the malaysians there. Some of my good friends are Malaysians. Sure, I'm no fan of their accents but that's about it. Apparently the Malays said that "Indons" are only good at causing chaos. Well, it's sad to admit so. It's true darn it. FOR EVERY LITTLE THING, we raise them picket signs and demostrate in the middle of the road, causing traffic jams, deaths and injuries. Instead of having our voices heard by the world, we just lower ourselves in everybody's eyes. Malaysia is not wrong for pointing it out. :) So instead of being so sensitive, we can all improve.

After all, we've got all the assets. It's just the matter of using it.