Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Chocolate Covered Almond

If you were to die now.

Would you be ready?

Have you done your prayers today? All 5 of them?
Have you opened the Qur'an lately? And spent 5 minutes to read a few verses.
Have you smiled to a complete stranger?
Have you given a few pounds? A few dollars to the less fortunate?
When you heard Adzan, did you turn off your TV and radio?
With all the money your parents invested in your education, do you think you used it wisely?
have you forgiven everyone who has done you wrong?
have you apologized to everyone whom you did wrong?
Are you sure you have been forgiven?

When was the last time you thought of touching alcohol?
When was the last time you touched alcohol?
When was the last time you lied to your parents?
About the smallest things, like whether you had taken a shower.
To the big things like if you had prayed today. Or if you smoked at all.

You're going out today. What are you planning on wearing?
Is your bare chest exposed?
Are your bare legs exposed?
Is your bottom covered?
If the top too tight? Are the jeans too tight?
When you pass by a woman in Hijab, do you feel right?

When you look in the mirror, do you say Subhanallah?
Do you say Alhamdullillah?
When was the last time you thanked God for the limbs, working and healthy organs He had given you?
Why do you ruin it by ingesting harmful things?
when was the last time you thanked God for the eyes you see with, the nose you breathe through and the lips you talk with?
When was the last time you thanked God for the house you live in, the bed you sleep in and the family and friends you have?
When was the last time you complained you don't have the latest phone, latest laptop and latest bags and shoes?

When you eat, do you say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim?
When you finish, do you say Alhamdullillah?

When was the last time you pray Tahajjud?

When you walked outside, did you look down when a beautiful girl walked by?
When your friends told you to do something bad, did you do it?
Did you ask them to not do it?

Well, personally, I'm not ready.
Are you?