Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jai Ho

my mac is out of control. now I'm using a friend's laptop coz mine has been acting retarded and is now at the store to get fixed. The thing is, she (yes, she) was only acting all retarded in my room. When I took her to the store, she was all good. Everything was working fine and the dude gave me a look as if I was the disturbed one. Why the fuck would I carry my laptop all the way from semenyih to midvalley if nothing was wrong with it?

Anyway, at least I'm all good for now.

I don't have anything againts the gay community. It aint my bizness, you can be as gay as you wanna be. Well, there was this one time I got angry at a gay guy coz he was just too hot to be gay. Well, I learned how to let go and wish him a happy gay life. well happy=gay.

Living in semenyih is like living in ras tanura, only with more freedom and women are allowed to drive. Here, women are allowed to drive, I'm not.

I finished my mass balance and environmental consideration today :) whether you care or not. I did something productive today and I wanna share it with the world. Well, not the world, just those who come across my blog and decide to read it coz they have no lives :S.

I was going through my closet and I realized that my clothes need to grow up. Yeah, like 30% of em are sophisticated, but I wanna shop more. I don't mind re-constructing my shirts, but if I ruin it, I'll be 1 shirt short and that ain't good in our world.

Sometimes my table smells like cigarettes. It's like the varnish adsorbs the smoke..

Once my dad told me that my touch is cursed with magnetic field that damages all electronics around me. From his laptop, my laptop, my phone, his phone, my mp3 playah. Now I'm actually convinced that he's right. damn it