Thursday, September 11, 2008

Don't You Be Interviewing ME!

One more thing, this whole smoking thing. I'll get off it if you ever do. Seriously, if you care that much about me, then don't bitch about my habit behind my back. That's not caring. At all.

More questions thrown my way:
1. Will you ever stop smoking?
A simple question with a simple answer. I will eventually. I will stop when I stop, get married or die.

2. Are you still on a diet?
Other than the fact that it is none of your business, yes I am still on a diet. I am still eating and drinking, hence I am technically on a diet. Seriously, unless I come up to you to ask for the ride to the doctor because my shit hasn't come through for days, don't even give a damn. When I don't wanna eat, don't make me. When I do, don't say shit about how much I eat. Seriously, if you're worried about my eating too much, then I'm going to shove the food that I'm going to eat up your skinny ass so you actually can get the point. If you're worried about my eating too little, then go splurge and cook for me. Can't do that can you? Coz talking is always easier than doing.

3. Why are you always in your room?
simple. Internet, food, ac and it's MINE