I'm kickin it like a 5-months-old fetus

First of all, all my respect to the Fluid Mechanics lecturer for talking like Borat and acting out every single shit he explains. Frankly, he's very entertaining, makes me wanna come again and see what he's going to do for his next lesson. Maybe he'll come in a costume, you'll never know.
Anywho, I know it's 5 am and goddaamn, I must be sleeping. I did though, just woke up to finally have shawarma. It wasn't that satisfying coz such cold food is not a good treat.
Many people are back already, not that I care. Well I do. For some people. I only have one thing I'm excited about, wearing my abaya on eid.
Lost my pin number. How crappy is that. I just feel like mentioning that coz it's an important chapter in my life. No I'm not going to put my passport number and such things on this blog, I'm a drama queen yes, not an idiot.
To many chinese new students, howa? To the new Indo students, run whileyou still can. No I'm kidding.
Even though I'm a little confused about what I'm supposed to be doing next, I'm happy about whatever it is I have now. Haha. Hell I have my brown bear with me, my homies chidi, ken etc. More importantly, chidi has installed astro in his cursed living room. Why cursed? coz that damn room seems to always get me sleepy. Maybe it's the couch, or the fan, who knows. As long as I don't come over during a football match, I'm down. I mean, hell the last match I properly watch was some world cup match 7 years ago. I was actually going crazy for the country I thought was cooler.
Oh, and my room is cool. Nuff said. Bitches
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