Jealousy is a fucked up thing.
It brings you down, it brings you back, it stops you from realizing what you’ve had.
I’m not going to say, “you’re alive today, be grateful for it.” Coz let’s face it, Everybody wants so much more. Everyone is greedy to a level that they all forget that they’re lucky to be able to live tomorrow. Everyone forgets that we all make mistakes. That we all have weaknesses.
Jealousy is a messed up thing
I have it, you have it, your mom has it, your friend has it, your lover has it,
and it makes you do and say the most humiliating things to others. It hurts at first, yes, but the strong ones move on because you know that this is how life is and haters say what they say because they don’t have what you have.
Jealousy is a fucked up thing
Because once you have it, you’ll never move forward. You’ll never make a wise decision. You’ll lose what you have slowly to a point that you start hating others, blaming others, wishing for their downfalls.
And surprisingly, there’s more of this in the so called ‘relatives’. I guess ‘blood is thicker than water’ is just a scientific fact, not a saying. You can always choose your friends, those who stay with you no matter what, tell you that you’re wrong and be with you while you correct your mistakes. Friends will be happy for you no matter what. They’ll stay with you whether you’re rich, poor, fat or ugly. Friends will help you to the top, but not to be below you, but to be with you up there, showing each other support all the way up. Families*, on the other hand, won’t.
*And by families, I meant those who are not your mother, father and siblings.

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