Oh, and to please note. I may be asian, but I ain't into white guys and I loathe the peace sign =).
1. White PeopleI dunno what it is about white people that make asians strip off their dignities and have the sudden urge to serve the white people. Is it because they were colonized by the pale-skinned bastards? Do you wanna be colonized forever? What the hell. Is it because of the currency?
This applies to all asians of all genders. White girls go after them white guys by changing their lifestyles in a blink of an eye. White guys fall for those traditional looking ones. They don't usually go for the good looking asians that we see on tv. It doesn't really work the other way around. White girls rarely fall for traditional looking asian guys. Sad, but true.

If you visit 10 houses that belong to yellow asians, check out their living rooms. I bet, 7 out of 10 own their own karaoke machine. Complete with the sound system, and extra microphones. The other 3 don't have them YET coz their friends, who have promised them their own karaoke boxes, are not back from their vacation.
3. SushiAll asians.
4. Photo Booth

5. Taking 100 Pictures of themselves
And somehow, all those pictures are similar. Well they manage to change their poses a little bit since they have all have 100 different faces. They will then post these pictures, tag every single one of them and the people involved will be having their conversations about that picture.
6. Doing the peace sign
We all know asians are peaceful people. We don't want war. We stay on the safe side. Good, but the peace signs are getting old and overused. No wonder some people become terrorists.
7. Studying
It's good to pursue your dreams by working hard, but to work as hard as asians?
8. Making babies
We ignore birth control. We refuse to use protection. If you're an asian, I bet both or one of your parents come from a big family. at least 6 kids. Also, a tiny wedding means inviting about 300 people just because they're all relatives.
9. Rock and Emo bands
It's also sad coz we know most asians don't speak english properly, so the fact that they like emo songs is pathetic since they don't understand the fucking lyrics.
10. Cheapness
The piracy rule doesn't seem to apply in Asia. Except for Arabs, we will do anything to avoid overspending. Thank Asians for pirated movies and cd's, fake Gucci and factory outlets. Oh, and after all that, we still try to bargain.
11. "Lah"
12. Spicy Foods
13. Changing their nationalities
Even though they've only been in Canada for 2 weeks for holidays. They come back and tell us that they're Canadians. Most asians also brag about the countries they've been to.
14. Badminton
This is the only sport where big black dudes lose to a tiny asian guy. (True story)
15. Techno
16. Anime
17. Eating with their hands
But it's more satisfying that way =(
18. Fried anything
While black people only like fried chickens, we asians wanna be more. We fry everything. Rice, noodles, tofu, even ice cream.
19. Tea
Ice lemon tea, green tea, black tea, red tea, yellow tea. And they all have their own benefits.
20. Taking shoes off when entering a house.
21. Rice and Naan
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