Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want it to.
Even after trying your best to change for the better
sometimes all that means nothing to the rest
Yeah well.
I now have a big room to keep myself busy in. Decorate it and shit.
Meh. Sad.
Should've stayed the same way I came.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
It's Okay
Posted by S J at 2:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
2 more weeks
Yes, the flight has been postponed.
Bought a pack of cigarettes to help me through these 2 weeks.
fuck you saudi and your damned hypocritical rules.
Posted by S J at 6:16 AM 0 comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Twilight. New Moon. Eclipse. Breaking Dawn
I was very skeptical when it came to Robert Pattinson and his friends. I thought it was just our teenage girls with raging hormones over reacting whenever anybody mentioned anything to do with twilight. I decided to not read or watch the movie just to stay on the safe side with the cool kids. However, shit changed. I went to visit a family friend in Qatar, despite our request to stay in the car and sleep, and chilled a bit with the daughter who was pretty cool for her age. She has all the 4 books. I laughed at her and opened up cosmo instead. All right, it was cosmoGirl.
I finished reading the magazines in 10 minutes. Well, I flipped through the pages and scanned through the outfits. I couldn't careless about Leighton's life really. Even then, my parents still didn't wanna leave. I sighed and took the first book off the shelf (or whatever). Before I opened the book, I asked her for spoilers, you know, so I wouldn't have to read them. She, however, refused to tell. I didn't wanna be annoying, so I opened the book and began reading. God bless me for being a fast reader. It was actually interesting. I mean, she didn't use big words or anything, thank God.
A couple pages later, my parents finally decided to leave. Pah! I thought. Just when I actually started reading. Thank Goodness I have connection back in Saudi. My 12 yr old sister's friends >=) What? you think I have some mafia friends down in Saudi? I never stuck around long enough in the compound to actually meet people. Sad? Nope.
So I made my sister borrow the first book from her friend. I swear, the girl was treating her book like it was holy or something. She refused to bring it to school and made my sister walk to her home to get it. She also removed the cover so it wouldn't get ruined. Overreacting much?
I still got the book anyway.
It was okay. I decided to download the movie instead and skipped through the first book. Same shit. Edward may be hot and all, but a stalker is a stalker. The first book seems pretty cool. Except for the fact that vampires glitter in the sun. That's just gay. Also, no mater how hot people think Robert is, he still looks feminine to me. And pasty. If he weren't a vampire, he'd just be a pale, gay kid in school.
Then my sister came back home with New Moon. She was reading it, so I took it from her when she was sleeping.
New Moon
So yeah, Bella ditched all her friends for her pale boyfriend who'd sneak into her room through her window every night. You see, even though Edward spent every night in her room, they never did it. He'd tease her, excite the poor bitch, realize that he likes men and pull away. This is a vampire book for crying out loud, we expect some actions meyer! On her birthday, he gave her a mixtape. Coz apparently, it's the thought that counts. A couple of days later, he dumped her in the woods and took back his mixtape. (ahaha). Bella's life became boring for a couple of months until she decided to roll with werewolves. Seduced one of them , in her own "adorable" kinda way. She then jumped off a cliff and lived (damn!). Edward's sister, Raven, I mean Alice, saw this in her "vision". She then came back and found out that she'd make a mistake. Edward, being a fool in love he is, then ran to the mafia vampires family in Italy to die. Bella then flew to Italy to stop him and he was stopped. The mafia, however, didn't like this. They were then taken to the lair (or whatever) and the godfather let them live.
Of course the "Cullen" family came back and Bella and Edward became a couple again. Oh, and Victoria was still out there hunting for Bella. Good.
Another thick book and Ed was still not getting some. Well, he refused to get some even though Bella had begged him too. Gay. Basically, Bella graduated and got engaged to Ed. Meanwhile, Victoria was forming an army or "newborn" vampires in Seattle. Why seattle? Was she avoiding Canadian blood? I don't know. Still, the bad army attacked. So the cullens and the werewolves got together and fought back. They won.
Breaking Dawn
Bella and Ed got married. They went to some scary island near Rio and did it human-vampire style in the house. Here, we found out that Edward liked it rough. It also seemed like Bella didn't, coz she didn't seem to remember shit. Who the hell woke up saying "what happened?" after getting laid. Anyway, so they forgot to use the rubber and she got knocked up. Then this was the part where Meyer started writing from Jacob's point of view. Hot as described, Jacob was as boring as Bella, no wonder she didn't choose him. Spawn of vampires grew so damn quickly that it was breaking her spines and shit. Meyer didn't spare us the details. Bitch. So yeah, after vomiting a fountain of blood (coz that was all the spawn would eat) and having her uterus ripped out so that the baby could get out, Edward injected venom into her system. Jacob was also with her all the time. By the way, he fell in love (like in love in love) with her baby. The fuck? What are you trying to teach kids here Meyer? She then transformed fron her ugly betty self into a "beautiful" vampire. This and that, the vampire mafia didn't like this. So yeah they came to kill the baby and they talked it over and killed the vampire who ratted Bella to the mafia. funny funny. Then yeah, they existed happily ever after
By the way, Bella's so damn dull that her power after transforming is also dull. She's a shield. yey.
Crap, now I have to find other things to do.
Posted by S J at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Just A Little Self Esteem Issue, We've All Had One
Nah, I'm not weak. I'm not strong either.
So I better get going if I want that first place.
I've done my best to be a better person. Not for anybody else. Just for me.
I remember 2 years ago, a family friend told me, in a good way, that I still need to figure out who I am and what I'm supposed to do in life. (Melodramatic I know)
Well, we met again. He told me that I now need to stop worrying. And whenever I'm having difficulties with my decisions, I shouldn't go off doing bullshit and making things worse. He said, I should go perform Shalat Istikharah. Coz no matter how much I've sinned, God is always there to help me out.
It's a shame I can't talk to this guy everytime I need advice.
However God is always there.
He also mentioned something about how women can easily go to heaven. How women. Well, wives, can easily go to heaven. How? Well, by simply being a good partner to her husband, listening to his advice, helping him make decisions, being there when he needs a friend.
When he said that, I remembered a person I know who was complaining about how Islam is unfair. When I asked her why, she told me it was because of what she's heard. Apparently if a wife refuses to, well, do it with her husband and just rolls over, the angels will curse her throughout the night. She found such thing unfair to women.
Then again. Hey, I'm all about independence. I personally want to have my own job and be able to buy my own things with the money I've earned. The thing is, many women have confused the word "independence" with "Feminism". Seriously, the next girl I meet who claims that she doesn't nee a man, Imma smack her hard.
I've seen "Independent" women strutting around with their heads held high, but would turn around once hot guys pass guy.
Then the hot guy would just pass by them, not giving a crap.
Then they'd be confused coz they thought men LIKES independent women.
Then they'd come to a conclusion that all men are jerks.
Independent is being able to do your own thing without ignoring the fact that you're still a woman. Without ignoring the fact that you NEED men no matter what coz women can never be the leader of a family. Woman can make decisions, yes, but women need men to be their strength.
If you ignore all that, then you're not independent anymore. You're simply arrogant and men hate that.
Also, it's mentioned in the Qur'an that we're supposed to listen to what our husbands say. As long as what he tells you to do is good. Then again, if you pick a guy who tries to misguide you, then whose fault is that?
If you don't wanna stay at home after you get married, then compromise with your guy beforehand. Don't bitch afterwards.
If you're not yet married and already bitching bout how men will control women after marriage, then think again. Look at your parents and try to learn from them. Is your mother being controlled? No? Then the fuck are you bitching for?
In Islam, they only told women to wear appropriate clothes, be ladylike (as in don't wear shit or speak in such a way that portrays you as a ho) and listen to your husband. (If there are other things I've missed, please be sure then tell me). Women do not even have to bloody clean the house, cook, do laundry or scrub the bathrooms. For her to do all that for the husband is counted as good deeds.
If you don't wanna do that, then get a maid.
If you don't wanna get a maid, then it's on you.
If you can't get a maid because your husband doesn't make enough, then you gotta do it whether you like it or not. Coz again, marriage is about compromising. Your husband works so that he can bring home food and pay for your home and clothes. You keep the home comfy for both of you to live in.
I don't see a problem with that. Why do these women do?
And just because I'm on the men's side this time, doesn't mean they're off the hook. Some men are actually looking at things from their fucked up point of view.
Their plan is
to get married
keep the wife home
make babies
get new wives
So girls, your job is to stay away from this kind of men. To pray so that God keeps you away from this kinda men.
Don't just fool around and then whines in the end about falling for the wrong guy.
Just a thought =)
Posted by S J at 3:42 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tari Pendet: A Misunderstanding
Outrage Over 'Stolen' Pendet Dance Ends Up As a Misstep
It was a burning issue of national pride that stirred up the righteous anger of a nation slighted.
Well, not quite. A firestorm of Internet outrage over the supposed theft of the Balinese pendet dance for a Malaysian tourism ad turned out to be just hot air on Monday, when the Discovery TV network owned up and said that the dancers had appeared in one of its own TV promotions, and it was all a mistake anyway.
But not before Indonesia’s government, unaware of Discovery’s action, had already made an official protest to Malaysia.
The story started late last week, as rumors about the ad and reactions shot to the top of the social microblogging Web site Twitter’s hot topics list.
“Pendet is ours! Noordin M. Top is yours!” said one popular Twitter message, referring to the Malaysia-born terrorist suspect wanted in connection with the July 17 bombings in Jakarta.
Over the weekend, news stories had reported, erroneously, that the image of a traditional Balinese pendet dancer was used in an official Malaysia Tourism ad.
They were a touchpaper to reignite smouldering and long-standing antagonism between the two countries over the heritage of traditional songs and dances, and further stoked the furor on Twitter and Facebook.
The problem was, it was all wrong — and perhaps a lesson in the myth-making power of the Internet — as an apology statement by Discovery made clear: “Discovery Networks Asia-Pacific regrets that the image of a Balinese dancer, sourced from an independent third party, was used in the promotion of the series ‘Enigmatic Malaysia.’ The promotional clip has been removed from all feeds.
“The Balinese dancer was not featured in any way in the program. Discovery has the deepest respect for the traditions, cultures and practices of all races and nations, and it is not our intention to cause any misunderstanding or distress to any party.”
Widyarka Ryananta, a senior diplomat at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, confirmed that the Malaysian government had never made an ad featuring pendet. “It was all a misunderstanding. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing,” he told the Jakarta Globe.
By the time Discovery’s apology had been issued, Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik had already sent a letter to his Malaysian counterpart, demanding the ad campaign be removed. “It happened two years ago with Reog Ponorogo. We don’t want it to happen again to us,” he said.
He said a bilateral pact signed in 2007 stated that if both countries wanted to publicize a culture in a “grey area,” they had to consult with each other first. But pendet was a different story: “People around the world would recognize in a glance that pendet is a Balinese dance. There’s nothing grey about it.”
After the error had been explained, Jero called on Indonesians to quickly register all forms of Indonesian cultural heritage to prevent such misunderstandings from reoccurring.
“We have so much cultural heritage,” he said. “We may accidentally neglect some of them.”
(I got lazy)
So seriously, get a life. Indonesians who are out there mocking Malaysia and shit. Eish, you're just being low. They're saying they'll sacrifice themselves and die in a war agaisnt Malaysia. memang Indonesia butuh dibantu promosi negara sendiri kan? I swear it's really sad to see our people embarrassing themselves by getting all worked up and calling Malaysia all sorts of names, before even thinking twice about it. Man, they're all saying they wanna go on a war against Malaysia. With this attitude, no way in hell will Indonesia win. They gonna be busy arguing about some useless shit.
Let's focus all those hating energy on actually doing something good for the country. Like the hell with the motorbikes, stop using the bus way if you ain't driving a bus and stop throwing things in to the ditches. There? Those are something that can help our country feels more homie.
Posted by S J at 1:15 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Your House Isn't Haunted
Many people try everything in their power to convince others that their houses are the centers of paranormal activities. Those words coming outta their mouths are utter bullshit. People who have seen ghosts (without trying to) don't really feel the need to tell random strangers. It's okay, I have a couple of people in my big family who, unfortunately, can see and hear things. Muhahaha to you guys.
Anyway, this is how you survive in a haunted house:
1. Don't shower alone. Bring a friend into the tub, make sure it's loco with amigos.
2. But if you have no choice, use a shower cap, ghosts tend to pull your hair and stuff.
3. When you hear knocking on the door at the most unexpected hours (like 6 am), ignore it.
4. When you hear voices from inside an empty room, go inside and join in.
5. When the door opens for you or closes behind you all by itself, say thank you.
6. When you hear the sound of any of your furniture being moved, tell them to keep it down. If it doesn't work, then call 911, they could be thieves.
7. Don't chill in the kitchen during peak hours, chucky may come visit.
8. Oh, and speaking of chucky, don't even look at ugly dolls.
9. When lights flicker, tell them to make up their minds. On? Or off?
10. When some of your items are missing, well that's just annoying. Bust them out. Don't fear like little gay soldiers.
11. When you see shadow people, either look away or say hi.
12. Don't have pets, they have that sixth sense that will make you more aware of the fact that you're not alone.
13. If you feel like you're being watched, then watch something to distract you. Lol, pull a restraining order on the ghost's ass.
14. Hear a woman's cry? Tell her to stop being such a baby.
15. If you feel like someone's sitting on your bed, then you're gonna get lucky.
16. Strange smells? Could be you.
17. If you see floating objects (Omg, Hermione?), don't forget to compliment the ghost on such skills.
18. Don't check under the bed or in the closet, that's just tacky.
Posted by S J at 6:34 AM 0 comments
Nachos =(
Top 5 Hates (of this week):
1. Jonas Brothers
2. Zac Efron
3. Sinetron
4. Decaffeinated Coffee. It's like low-sugar Red Bull or Extra Light Marlboro
5. Excess Compliments.
Posted by S J at 3:43 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 21, 2009
A Little Something
Someone told me this. Ya'll probably already know.
"Don't even say "We're still young, we can do whatever we want". The right thing to do is to preach and do as much good deeds as you possibly can while you're still young. Coz noone in this world can live forever, we can, however, be remembered forever"
Oh, and one more
"I'd rather be caught doing a bad thing instead of a good thing, because that way, InshaAllah that could be Allah SWT's reminding me to go back to His path. I'm afraid, if I got caught doing a good thing, that arrogance would spring its way out and my good deed would be pointless. Afterall, we're all just humans"
Anyway, we just finished Sahur. Normally people are sleepy at 4 am. My sisters, on the other hand, were as happy as .. well I dunno. Just a little too energetic I must say.
Posted by S J at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Fast, Can Lah
I went swimming today. Let's just say, if I were to be chased by criminals (God knows why) and the only place to hide was the pool, then I'd get killed in a second.
Posted by S J at 1:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Top 3 Worst Shades
1. Willy Wonka's

Posted by S J at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Ramadhan Kareem =)

Posted by S J at 1:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Willy Wonka vs Michael Jackson
I thought about this before going to sleep. I realized that Willy and Michael are strangely similar, making me think "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory" was based on Michael's story.

Posted by S J at 6:23 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Blahs
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Stuff That Asians Like
Oh, and to please note. I may be asian, but I ain't into white guys and I loathe the peace sign =).
1. White PeopleI dunno what it is about white people that make asians strip off their dignities and have the sudden urge to serve the white people. Is it because they were colonized by the pale-skinned bastards? Do you wanna be colonized forever? What the hell. Is it because of the currency?
This applies to all asians of all genders. White girls go after them white guys by changing their lifestyles in a blink of an eye. White guys fall for those traditional looking ones. They don't usually go for the good looking asians that we see on tv. It doesn't really work the other way around. White girls rarely fall for traditional looking asian guys. Sad, but true.

If you visit 10 houses that belong to yellow asians, check out their living rooms. I bet, 7 out of 10 own their own karaoke machine. Complete with the sound system, and extra microphones. The other 3 don't have them YET coz their friends, who have promised them their own karaoke boxes, are not back from their vacation.
3. SushiAll asians.
4. Photo Booth

5. Taking 100 Pictures of themselves
And somehow, all those pictures are similar. Well they manage to change their poses a little bit since they have all have 100 different faces. They will then post these pictures, tag every single one of them and the people involved will be having their conversations about that picture.
6. Doing the peace sign
We all know asians are peaceful people. We don't want war. We stay on the safe side. Good, but the peace signs are getting old and overused. No wonder some people become terrorists.
7. Studying
It's good to pursue your dreams by working hard, but to work as hard as asians?
8. Making babies
We ignore birth control. We refuse to use protection. If you're an asian, I bet both or one of your parents come from a big family. at least 6 kids. Also, a tiny wedding means inviting about 300 people just because they're all relatives.
9. Rock and Emo bands
It's also sad coz we know most asians don't speak english properly, so the fact that they like emo songs is pathetic since they don't understand the fucking lyrics.
10. Cheapness
The piracy rule doesn't seem to apply in Asia. Except for Arabs, we will do anything to avoid overspending. Thank Asians for pirated movies and cd's, fake Gucci and factory outlets. Oh, and after all that, we still try to bargain.
11. "Lah"
12. Spicy Foods
13. Changing their nationalities
Even though they've only been in Canada for 2 weeks for holidays. They come back and tell us that they're Canadians. Most asians also brag about the countries they've been to.
14. Badminton
This is the only sport where big black dudes lose to a tiny asian guy. (True story)
15. Techno
16. Anime
17. Eating with their hands
But it's more satisfying that way =(
18. Fried anything
While black people only like fried chickens, we asians wanna be more. We fry everything. Rice, noodles, tofu, even ice cream.
19. Tea
Ice lemon tea, green tea, black tea, red tea, yellow tea. And they all have their own benefits.
20. Taking shoes off when entering a house.
21. Rice and Naan
Posted by S J at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I Have to Start Posting Pictures Instead
I got 7 mosquito bites in less than 10 minutes. Indonesian mosquitos are the shit.
An hour ago, I was watching Spongebob Squarepants. It was interesting until the loco pirate came on the show. He looked so out of place coz, for one thing, he's not animated =S I wonder how much these grown ups get for making fools of themselves. Who am I kidding? I need a job. I'll wear a darn nerdy outfit and sing the blue's clues theme song.
Moving on. I was going through the channels and saw that the show "Manohara" was on. I wanted to see a bit of it, just to find out what the fuss is all about. The commercial just started anyway, so I thought I could prepare myself mentally. Oh, let me tell you a little something about Indonesian commercial.
And the products are somehow alike. I'm not fucking kidding. I was sitting there for about 15 minutes, in front of the tv, waiting for the bloody show to continue. My cousin was laughing at me. O well. She actually told me that the show is crap. So crap that people in hell are forced to watch that shit for their punishment. I didn't listen though. So yeah, turned out, I didn't even watch a minute of it.
Manohara Can't Act For Shit. Either that, or her abusive husband hit her on her head a little bit too hard.
An hour before such torture, I was on my laptop. Looking for MatLab. I somehow regret getting a mac, coz it's bloody hard finding the right software for it.
Oh, and early in the morning, I got to talk to my baby =)
Thanks to my dad who couldn't keep his voice low when he entered our room.
P.s. What's the deal with twitter? I think it's there coz they get irritated by people who update their status every 5 seconds.
Posted by S J at 5:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Blahs
Terrorists and Their Aliases
I found this on CNN. Yes, one of my random visits to important websites.
"Also, a man identified as Suryana, who uses the aliases Yayan and Gepeng, was arrested in north Jakarta on suspicion of terrorism charges, said Nanan Soekarna, police inspector general."
This has convinced me that name really does matter. A person with a shitty name will either change it, get depressed or become a terrorist just to prove that a person with a name that crap can be dangerous.
By the way, I love my name. I don't think they've caught a terrorist named sarah or uwie. Have they? Well, let me know if they have.
Let me google some more funny names. Names you may or may not give your babies.
1. El-Hoorie
2. Maruto
coming up =( They don't seem too funny anymore
Posted by S J at 2:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: terrorists
Monday, August 10, 2009
No More Covers For My Baby Mac
My macbook is naked. They only got covers for macbook pro's.
I'm a little disappointed. I'm dealing with this grief my way.
Today, I bought an overpriced cup of tea. I drank that freaking cup clean coz I didn't wanna feel hustled.
Posted by S J at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 8, 2009
How To Get Away With Murder?
Murder is a sin, but everyone commits sins. Jail is meant for rapists and killers who don't feel about the crime they committed. Jail is also meant for murderers who are stupid enough to get caught, just because. I've been watching too much csi. Usually, it makes me wanna be a cop, but I wanna start looking at things from a different point of view. In order for you to have a perfect murder plan, you better follow these points:
1. Try a random victim. Don't kill the ones you hate.
2. Use gloves the whole time. And, for girls, tie your hair. Go bald if you must.
3. Don't keep your weapon. Clean it. Destroy it. Throw it. Better, throw it in another country. Or into the ocean.
4. Don't brag about getting away with murder. You can't trust anyone, coz you may accidentally blurt it out to a pussy who will be going to the cops.
5. Don't use your own vehicle to throw away the body. Borrow a stranger's car. Or steal one if you feel comfortable driving it.
6. Don't wrap the corpses in a blanket or anything that can be traced back to you. Like in the movies, use trash bag
7. Choose a far far away burial site. Preferably, haunted spots. Ocean and rivers are good too, but make sure you tie the body to a rock.
8. Don't leave clues behind, or some kinda puzzle. Technology will trace it back to you.
Posted by S J at 6:35 PM 0 comments
My Saturday
Last night, I fell asleep at 1 am coz I had forgotten that we’d be going to my mom’s friend’s house at 8 am. “Kumanina,” I thought.
Sleepy. I reached there and my mood was lifted. Everyone was giving me compliments =D I was happy. Oh, and they said it in the nicest ways, not just because.
That’s not the happiest news.
This is
I got a new Louis Vuitton Brown Handbag =D happy days.
My mom bought it for me. Good thing about the stuff my parents bought me, InshaAllah they’ll last until I get enough money to buy my own place, things and give back to my parents and others. =) . I felt a little guilty when I got the bag, but yeah. I wanted a brown bag =( Sowie mom and dad.
Big ups for my friends. You know who you are. Those who are, right now, working in order to get cash so they won’t have to burden their parents.
Big ups to my dad. Alhamdullillah he’s been given a great job and money, more than enough for his family. Meh, if you look at him, he doesn’t even wear them expensive shit. Old shoes. Old pants. Old mobile. Old golf sticks. Old golf cart. His sisters call him stingy, but we, as his family, know that he’s saving up for our future. Our education. He wants to teach us that appearances ain’t everything and that fancy lifestyle ain’t important.
Hehe, this is my blahs for the day.
Posted by S J at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Labels: My Serious Shit
Friday, August 7, 2009
Why Can't Men Multitask
We're more than a status update =)
I'm really sleepy and I wanna switch on the ac, but the damn fuse is not co-operating. This ain't cool!
I'm out of Ideas. More updates tomorrow
Posted by S J at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Ways to Save Up Some Cash In Uni
1. Don't call. Text. After all we all live a couple of steps away from each other.
2. But! Don't be texting about bullshit. Just a simple "Where You At?" is enough. Continue the conversation during lunch or something.
3. Skype =) Especially those who are in long-distance relationships. Skype away.
4. Ladies. Avoid going to the saloon for the grooming that can be done at home. You can wax, polish your nail and wash your hair all on your own. And remember, nobody gives a crap how much your haircut costs.
5. You don't need to buy top-notch shampoo. Herbal essence is good enough. Buy a big one for a month. Seriously, noone can tell the difference.
6. Do your own laundry. You can do that while studying and catching up with friends.
7. If you want an iPod, get an mp3 player. After all, they both play music. Once you don't depend on your parents' money, you can buy whatever the hell you want =)
8. Whenever you feel like shopping, exercise. If you don't feel like exercising, go to the mall and tire yourself out by watching a movie or something. That way you'll feel like you're done for the day.
9. Keep track of your spending. Or better yet, keep track of how much money you have left. =P
10. Don't get a credit card if you feel like you can't control your splurging tendencies.
11. Don't drink, as it gets you broke faster. If you must...
12. Crash a house party before clubbing. Free drinks
13. Ramen noodles =P once in awhile
14. Fuck starbucks. Drink Nescafe
15. Get a hard disk. Get movies from other people. Return it in its best condition though, or you'll end up paying for a hard disk that's not yours.
16. Gentlemen. Don't be dating a gold digger.
*sigh* who am I to give tips that people already know.
Posted by S J at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: list-it
Fear of The Unknown
Or maybe, I'm just being a sissy =(
The other day, I watched The Grudge 3. Was it good? It was, actually, as the lady from The Grudge 1 and 2 finally got killed. (Yes, i'm ruining it). Oh, and do you remember that little kid? The tiny Japanese boy who appears on every floor as you go up using the elevator. He's grown now. He's become taller and no camera can hide that shit. My point is, the boy is no longer scary as we all know ghosts don't grow old.
The lady, however, is creepy. Right after the old grudge lady died, the new grudge lady came. This new lady got her leg busted and stabbed through her neck.
That's not even the worst part. The worst part was when I had a dream about the lady =( Why? Why do these things happen in Indo?
Anyway, so today I tried to install pirated sims 2 on my mac. Did it work? No. I brought it back to the store because I felt hustled and I wanted to get a new one. Did he give me a new one? No. Bitch told me to bring my laptop. Fuck that. This is Indo. I ain't taking my laptop no where.
I love my mac as she (yes, she) looks so damn elegant and pretty. She never gets infected and it's damn useful IF you're a graphic designer or a movie maker, which I'm not. I miss Windows. =( I can install any pirated games on windows :( It's so hard finding games and softwares for mac. The piracy here is too picky.
Posted by S J at 6:06 AM 0 comments
A little bit about success
"Being optimistic doesn't mean breaking the news before it even happens. It means trying your best to make it happen, keeping it on the low low unless you're asked and breaking the news gently when it does happen."
"Arrogance is never a part of being successful"
Posted by S J at 5:51 AM 0 comments
Labels: quotes
Love is being thrown around
Dedicated to 2 of my close friends who have just gotten out of relationships. Everything Happens for a reason =)
The sky's no limit if you both wanna fly high
But if he ain't with you girl, then don't even try
Keep your feet on the ground, but your head up high
When he puts you down, you gotta make him cry
That boi is missin out big
Now life's good, no complications
You've got it all =)
Posted by S J at 5:24 AM 0 comments
Labels: For You
Marijuana. Legal, Illegal, Good and Bad
I thought of this topic on the way back from carrefour =P We've all done illegal things in our lives without knowing its pros and cons. This is one of them things you gotta know.
Especially now that my blog is supposed to be my money maker, I gotta start doing my researches and write the "Real Deal".
Enough with the gangsta talk. Let's get to the point.
Weed. Marijuana. Hashish.
This is the shit college students waste their money on. Some use it coz of exam stress. Some say that it relaxes them. Some even say their wives get them to do it. Those, who can't smoke up coz they got chest problems, bake it into treats. They all say weed makes you feel light and good about yourself. They say they can't stop laughing once they smoke up. They say they can get hung if they get caught. Then again, they always find a way.
It is a mix of dried flowers, leaves and stems from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa. The main active ingredient in marijuana is THC (delta 9 tetrhydrocannabinol).
This shit, when being smoked, willmess up your brain for max 3 hours. If you're a lightweight, then you'll have to deal with the headache until the next day. Hahaha, the headache is a bitch. Oh, and I don't know about ya'll, but I know some people whose piss becomes green. If you're that jobless and actually have the time in your hand to bake your weed in brownies, then the effect will take longer to begin. However, this way it lasts longer. I'm not suggesting anything though. Still, let me know as I've never met anyone who's eaten marijuana.
It's sad how I actually had friends who would wake up in the morning, and instead of getting their morning buzz from cigarettes like normal people, they be rolling a joint and smoking it.
Still though, we can't help admitting that dealing is also a fast way to get money. =P. But, you know. Don't.
Back to the serious shit. Apparently it's used as capsules and are available by prescription to treat the nausea that cancer patients sometimes suffer with some forms of chemotherapy. Oh, and also to treat wasting in AIDS patients. So unless you got cancer, or, God forbid, Aids, Stop that shit. I just knew this =P.
Short-term Effect:
- Distorted Perception. You start seeing skittles in the middle of the road (true story).
- Difficulties with your memory, learning abilities and problem solving. However, some dumbasses are not necessarily crackfaces.
- Loss of coordination
- Increased heart rate by 20 to 50 beats per minute and reduced blood pressure. researchers found that users' risk for a heart attack is four times higher within the first hour after smoking marijuana.
- Anxiety & Fear. That explains all the paranoia during smoking up sessions
Other effects:
- Same respiratory problems as tobacco smokers. However, Marijuana contains more carcinogenic Hydrocarbons than your regular marlboro. Ganja smokers also tend to hold the smoke longer in their lungs, hence exposing their lungs to carcinogens, lung, head and neck cancers.
- THC in marijuana impairs the immune system of the body.
- Fools who decide to drive right after smoking up are more prone to accidents. True stories. Bet you've had at least one friend who's been in an accident coz they think it's alright to drive to McD, high, coz they're too damn hungry to wait for 3 hours.
- Decreased sperm counts in men (NOW you're thinking)
- Irregular period for women.
- You be broke! I think this one doesn't need explanations.
- Some people can forget about safe sex and expose themselves to diseases and babies.
How to know someone's high on weed
- They seem dizzy and have trouble walking. Have you seen how high people walk on tv? Yea, like that
- They laugh at the lamest shit they see or hear
- Red, bloodshot eyes.
Just don't be accusing a cheerful person with eye problems.
So yeah, if you haven't abused it, stop it. If you're addicted, then you're in deep shit. If you haven't tried it, then roll that joint and smoke that shit. You just didn't hear this from me.
Haha peace xx
p.s. I'd post pictures, but I'm sure we all have seen it live =) (or even on google)
Posted by S J at 1:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: drugs
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Why do Indonesians get angry when Malaysians call them Indons?
A couple of days ago, I went to Dufan with my family and my cousin. I realized something about Indonesia. My people are ALWAYS late compared to the rest of the world. The thing that pisses me off is the fact that they don't know that they're way behind the rest of the world.
1. Facebook. I swear to you, back in 2006, I registered for facebook. This was in the UAE. Everyone had facebook, except for those who didn't wanna open accounts. Then, in the summer, I came back to Indonesia and NOONE heard about facebook. I was like, "are you fo real?" Well, I let it slide, coz I still had my friendster account when I wanted to keep in touch with my Indo friends. After awhile, one of my good friends opened a facebook account, so I thought, my other friends would be opening up their own soon enough. I was right, so I deleted my friendster account. Anyway, this ain't the point. Not long after that, EVERYONE in Indo started to get facebook." Good. LATE, but good", I thought.
In Dufan, my cousin and I were on the way out. We passed by people taking pictures and stuff. Understandable. We even saw a guy who took his own picture using self-timer. Sad. Real sad. The saddest crap was, EVERY SINGLE CROWD we passed by would be talking about facebook. GET OVER IT. "YES! I want this picture on facebook. tag me alright?!" We kept on hearing the same shit over and over again. What can we do. Our people are not only slow in catching up with the world, we tend to get stuck in one trend.
2. Hip Hop
3. Eyeliner
4. Abaya
Also, what is this bullshit fight between Indonesians and Malaysians? I'm an Indonesian studying in Malaysia and I've got no problem with the malaysians there. Some of my good friends are Malaysians. Sure, I'm no fan of their accents but that's about it. Apparently the Malays said that "Indons" are only good at causing chaos. Well, it's sad to admit so. It's true darn it. FOR EVERY LITTLE THING, we raise them picket signs and demostrate in the middle of the road, causing traffic jams, deaths and injuries. Instead of having our voices heard by the world, we just lower ourselves in everybody's eyes. Malaysia is not wrong for pointing it out. :) So instead of being so sensitive, we can all improve.
After all, we've got all the assets. It's just the matter of using it.
Posted by S J at 4:36 AM 0 comments
Labels: Indonesia
Monday, August 3, 2009
Jakarta, My Beloved Home
And Al-Azhar, spent more than half my life in that school. From the 2nd grade till the 8th. Memories? Yeah. I've forgotten some obviously.
I went to a reunion 2 days ago. Did any of my close friends attend? Nope. Only those I didn't really get along with. Keyword: Didn't. I was hoping, now that we're all in our 20's, we'd be grown ups and start talking about work and connection and shit. I thought we would let the "past" slide and laugh about it. I was hoping there would be no more hate and grudges. Hell no. Some still wouldn't let go.
The next day, though, I met up with 3 of my close friends. It was productive as we didn't talk about bullshit. We'd bitch about people (yes), then we'd talk about where to work, how to gain work experiences and not burdening our parents anymore.
Awell, not everybody can be friends.
Posted by S J at 7:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 31, 2009
Run This Town =)
Things not to wear:
A. For Men
1. Skinny Jeans. Not any skinny jeans. Skinny jeans that stick to their legs. Why? Coz they look like faggots when they wear them and they're hurting their masculine devices. Also, skinny jeans on men make them look emo and, again, like fags. The sad thing is, these fagfaces try to act so damn manly by smoking and sitting like gangstas in public. Pathetic.
2. Tight Shirts/T-Shirts
Men like it when women wear shirts that show their nipples. Women, on the other hand, find it amusing when men show off their nipples.
3. Short Shorts.
I once talked to this one guy named "R". This guy has worn both the nipply shirt and the short shorts. I still don't know why he's so confident in those wears. He walks around in those gay ass shorts and he was hitting on me, drunk, in this white nipply shirt. It was revolting. I wasn't flattered about his hitting on me coz he did that to all the girls on campus. Okay, not all. 50 %. i ain't kidding.
B.For Women
1. Lingerie for outing clothes. Makes you look like a whore. Period.
2. Big shirts with baggy jeans. You're born a woman, so dress like a woman. Unless your face is pretty enough to pull it off. No offense =)
3. Whore boots.
Damn it I'm out of fresh ideas.
Posted by S J at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Labels: tips
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Mice, Ducks and Dogs
I keep on posting on my blog =) One of these days I'm gonna run out of ideas and start writing more profanities than you know. *sigh*
I got a room in Edu Square. The big superior A room. You probably think that I'm happy about this. HELL no. I hate the fact that I won't be able to chill with my friends till late night coz I have to "Go home". Damn you serena.
Big superior A room my arse.
Posted by S J at 6:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Blahs
Got dem happy news =D
And, as usual, the title ain't got nothing to do with the content...
"When you're choosing who to be with, choose the right one. It's like choosing which shoes you wanna buy. Do you like the way they look? are you comfortable in them? Are they gonna last for long? What material are they made of? Are you looking for heels or sneakers? =)"
"Oh, and those useless boyfriends? They're like awesome kicks which strings always seem to open. They're useless and they'll trip you one day. If you choose to stay with it even after being tripped, then it's your mistake for not getting a new pair asap."
Of course I can't compare my baby to a pair of shoes. He'll be like "Wtf?" hehe.
Still, the quotes make sense right? =)
Posted by S J at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Labels: quotes
How Do You Sleep At Night?
I'm jacking my aunt's internet next door, thus I must blog on "TextEdit" and when the internet isn't moody anymore, I copy paste. It's pathetic, but whatever it takes to get things done =) I miss my baby still and msn is giving up on us =( Why do bad things happen to good people?
Eish, I've been doing nothing productive in Indonesia. I've gone around saying, "Ho Ho Ho, I am Santa!" In Santa's voice. I've even said it in Indian accent (It may seem lame now, but try it). I've been watching lots of tv shows. I've bought pirated dvd's and some clothes. I've visited families. Our job here is done, LET'S BOUNCE!
Oh, and speaking of Indonesia. Hopefully someone influential out there reads this.
1. The tv show "Termehek mehek" is the definition of shit. It's full of shit and the people in it are shit. It's embarrassing normal people like myself. I swear, if any tourists see this crap, they're gonna pack their bags and swim back to wherever the hell they come from. Naw, I'm just kidding. They'll actually leave their bags behind, that's how badly they gonna wanna leave.
2. The tv shows in general. Some are funny =) like Extravaganza, and Opera Java something... Here's something that Indonesia needs to get rid of; SINETRON. It's useless. It's too dramatic. The roles are played by unprofessional actresses who can't act for shizzle. The plots are boring and predictable. It's obvious they're all made on low low budget. Notice how I mentioned "low" twice. I was being nice. The make up artist sucks. The titles are such turnoffs.
3. The Manohara. The only good thing she brings to this country is her style. NO, not because her style is good. It's horrible actually. It's the fact that our people follow whatever the hell celebrities wear, so dem poor people selling clothes would just come up with "manohara's clothes" and them fools would buy them. Thinking they gonna look better with the picture of manohara on their shirts. *sigh* What has the world come to?
4. The traffic jam. THE traffic jam. Need I say more?
5. The motorbikes. They're tacky and the people riding them are stupid. Dumbasses try to challenge dem cars. They're fully exposed to death and they're trying to challenge it. What the hell. Too many motorbikes. TOO MANY. I have pictures somewhere, Imma post them.
Anyway, that's all for now. I wish I can talk to our president, but I, myself, know that he already knows (And I don't think I'll be allowed anywhere near the president =P ). EVERYBODY knows. The thing about our people, we don't have the guts to speak up. Once we do, we demonstrate against it, causing chaos and, well, more traffic jam.
I still have to love my country no matter what. Maybe in billions of years, it'll be developed.
Posted by S J at 9:16 AM 1 comments
Labels: Indonesia
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
"You can get whatever the hell you want, as long as you try you best to get it"
Whatever the hell you want =) Whether it's a pair of shoes, or a relationship =)
We all know it's about compromising. Compromising in order to make everything goes smoothly.
I'm going back to Saudi on the 16th of August. This summer holiday is too damn long. Next year if I don't get my hands on an internship, Im'ma take a course, any freaking course. I'll even take up cooking for what it's worth.
Too long. 4 freaking months.
Posted by S J at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Labels: quotes, tarzan and sweet jane
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Wow. Amazing test indeed
Here is the analysis:
Posted by S J at 12:21 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Blahs
Your view on yourself: The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: Your readiness to commit to a relationship: The seriousness of your love: Your views on education The right job for you: How do you view success: What are you most afraid of: Who is your true self:
Posted by S J at 12:09 PM 0 comments
Labels: My Blahs
Friday, June 26, 2009
Indonesia <3
I didn’t think it was possible for Indonesia to get better. I guess It is..
If I were the president, Imma build nice, simple apartments for the homeless. Every single person living in it will be given jobs. These jobs can start from taking care of the apartments itself (janitor, Laundry lady, pool guard, security guards) to things they’re good at, like selling stuff, barbershop, etc. The kids are sent to school.
Why apartments? Because they don’t take up too much space and they can live off the streets.
Also, at first, all the kids are sent to school for free until high school, where they can choose where to go, get scholarships, etc. The parents hopefully will make enough money by then. If they don’t, for good reasons, then the kids can work part time or there will be some funds for them. Babies will be taken care of. There will be donation of clothes, food, etc every month. Each complex has 3-4 apartments. Again, not fancy ones. Spoiling them never helps.
Won’t that be cool? Even those who live in such houses can be moved somewhere else with promising jobs, lands, houses, education and lives. Preferably somewhere outside Jakarta coz it’s just too crowded. Those people came to Jakarta to get jobs. Why don’t give them what they want and need, but some other place.
Also, the cops who take bribery must be fired, or at least be taught/punished. It’s supposed to be a muslim country, so act like it.
Cars. Every family must have max of 2 cars. For God’s sake. Traffic jam and shit.
Clean and fix dem public transports.
Fix the roads.
Those people who sell food, etc on the streets.. must have their own centre… like one in Tanah Abang, One somewhere else. That way, they don’t crowd the street. Get more 7/11 or KK’s
Posted by S J at 12:46 PM 0 comments
Labels: Indonesia
Coz time is money
Rest In Peace
Was never his biggest fan. Didn’t know all his songs. However, I do feel like the world is missing something. Something big. He be a nigga in heaven/hell =)
Rest in Peace Michael Jackson.
My days in Ras Tanura
What I’ve done:
1. I cooked =)
I was watching desperate housewives yesterday and Bree made Lemon squares. They look tasty, so I thought I wanna make some. I googled the recipe, and somehow ended up looking at apple cobbler recipe. I was like, “hmm, maybe I shall make some apple cobbler instead”
Then I made my apple cobbler.
And everybody loved it.
Some other day, I made my own beef patty. Uwie Patty I call it. Sorta like crabby patty from spongebob squarepants. I made my burger with love and random ingredients. All edible..
Anywho, the burger turned out to be the bomb and everybody loved it. Not only because they didn’t wanna hurt my feelings, coz I could tell.
2. I went to the library
Don’t go all crazy calling me a nerd now, coz I’m nothing close to a nerd. Well, yeah I went there to look for some useful readings for next semester. I didn’t find them obviously. Coz I wasn’t looking hard.
I noticed there were many of those “_________ for dummies” books. Why so much hate on our people. I couldn’t find anything interesting, so I ended up borrowing cosmo magazines and Guinness book of records =) They’re worth reading.
One book that will NEVER pushes me into doing anything.
I used the Guinness as mouse pad.
After 1 week, I returned the sucker and borrowed a book of lists. They teach you how to play poker, how to arrange the pool balls and other shit. It’s quite the shit I must say. I also borrowed a book on economy, which, by the way, I have not yet touched.
My daddy will be so proud of moi.
3. I Jog
Well, not exactly jog. I walk quickly. Such pace can be considered Jog. I wear my dad’s shorts and shirts (coz I didn’t pack my own coz the suitcase was already overweight and I wanted to hustle some shirts. Love you dad). I take my sis’ mp3 and I walk by the beach =) It’s also the shit. If I have some time left before dark, I shall play on the swings coz after dark, it’s just scary.
4. I go online like there’s no tomorrow
I shall be online all day and people ask questions. Leave me alone darn it! I’m in Saudi Arabia! That answers every single question.
5. I facebook like I never facebooked before.
Darn right =)
That’s all. I talk to my mom. Bully my sisters. Get annoyed at daddy. Love dem all no matter what =) Missing my baby so much. Missing my friends in Msia =)
That’s how I do
Posted by S J at 11:56 AM 0 comments
Labels: list-it, R.I.P, ras tanura
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
This is my summer holiday
What is the happiest moment of your life?
No, I'm more into steel
Super Mario. Who the hell invented dragons?
I know some shitfaces, but not to that level
No. That's odd.
I pretend to still be asleep
That's so Raven soundtrack. It's quite catchy I say
Surprisingly, no.
Sadly no. I wanted the chance to sue.
Wheneber I'm with older family-friends or relatives.
None. She tries too hard
Bought one
No, he's not santa
I AM a celebrity. I just keep it on the down low.
No, which is sad. I'm tired of paying for stuff
Brown. All Indonesians have brown eyes
A little too much I'm afraid
A song
A subway sandwich and my baby
I wouldn't have come to school with my tie all decorated with paper clips
Shehan tellin me about something. I'm in another country. We're not that close
Depends, I wanna be alone when people around me are boring
Yes. I like to be cool and accepted
I'm afraid to choose.
Hmm. I'm too gangsta to understand this question
I can't think of anything better than this survey
I don't have a car. Let me ask my parents
This morning. Don't judge me. I don't sweat easily
I'd rather not. There are too many.
Yes I do wear my heart on my sleeve. What the hell do you mean?
I don't want them to find out now
Monsters and Aliens
One Missed Call
Last month. I'm disgusting like that
Nope. Killed dem already
Yes, he's a good man
No, I'm hiding something
Yes, and she liked it
Not really, she seemed forced
No, I don't swing that way.
Anything safe and in its cage
No, I was a happy child
Posted by S J at 12:01 PM 0 comments
Labels: questionnaires